wiaw: cruisin’

I spent my day cruisin’ yesterday…

My alarm went off at 5:30 AM – way too early for the summer.  But, it was the first time in over a week that I was woken up by an alarm and not a child.  So, I took advantage of the extra time in the morning and got in a 30 minute ride on the spin bike.

Spin bike

MacKenna started stirring with about 5 minutes left in my ride, but luckily held out on really wanting to be up until I was finished.  We cuddled for a little while on the couch and then went and made breakfast.  I made both of us a strawberry, peach, and banana smoothie and some coffee on the side.  (MacKenna passed on the coffee and had a waffle and some yogurt instead).

Designer Whey-smoothie

Then we were off to cross country practice, where I heard Florida-Georgia Line featuring Nelly’s “Cruise” for the first time of the day.  (Be prepared to hear how many times I heard this dang song today.)  I did a 2 mile run with the jogging stroller in which I ended up seeing a snake on my run.  On my way out, I saw what I thought was a stick in the road but as I passed, it was definitely a snake.  I was freaking out on my way back, only to see that it was no longer on the path.  So, I started freaking out again because it just so happened to be a live snake.  Blech.  I freaking HATE snakes!

Stroller run

We headed home, got cleaned up, and ate a quick snack.  I had strawberries and blueberries with a little bit of vanilla Greek yogurt and trailmix on top.  Pretend that’s what this picture is – it’s not, but I’ll get to that…


I then headed out to pick up some Father’s Day gifts for my wonderful husband and to get a 3-hole punch at Target since I seem to have misplaced mine (story of my life).  Heard “Cruise” again – the would be 2.

Headed home, got packed up, and headed out to the city for a play date at my friend Nichole’s gorgeous new house.  It’s about a 45 minute drive from home, so of course, had to hear “Cruise” for a third time.  Did I mention that I had not changed the radio station at all?

The kiddos had an awesome time playing in the kiddie pool and sprinkler!  MacKenna LOVES water which makes me excited to take her to the beach this summer.  She’s not too fearless in the water yet, but she was getting more and more daring with dunking her head in the water toward the end.  While the kiddos played, the ladies snacked on cinnamon sugar pita chips with fruit salsa, white cheddar popcorn, Fritos with spinach dip, and brownies.  It was all delicious, despite the fact that I don’t have a picture of it.  So, instead, you get some cute toddler pictures…



We started our trek back home around 4 PM during rush hour traffic, so my 45 minute commute became a 60+ minute commute.  I had to hear “Cruise” one last time before getting out of the car, only to realize after getting home that I had no idea where my SD card was for my camera.  Thus, why I am missing so many pictures.  (Thankfully, Nichole found it stuck in the cushions on one of her chairs.  *huge sigh of relief*) 

And as soon as I got home, I was back in the car for another hour long commute to and from volleyball practice.  I quickly fixed a little cereal, raisins, and peanuts snack to hold my over until my late dinner at 9 PM.

wiaw-cereal snack

Thankfully, I planned a little ahead and had some leftovers from last night to devour.  My favorite 1 pot meal:  cheddar broccoli quinoa.  Even better leftover, especially with some added tomatoes and avocado.  Yum!

wiaw-quinoa and avocado

Total hours spent in the car = 3.5
Number of times “Cruise” came on the radio = 4
Time spent exercising = 45 minutes
Number of delicious meals/snacks eaten = 5

Too many numbers.  Too much time spent sitting in the car.  I thought the summer was supposed to be relaxing?!  This mama is exhausted!

Would you forget your head if it wasn’t attached to your body?  What’s the craziest or scariest thing you’ve ever seen on your run?