what i ate wednesday
Another Wednesday, already?! These weeks fly by way too quickly. I need time to slow down a little bit, please and thank you! Thanks to Jenn for hosting What I Ate Wednesday!

My day started with a smoothie in a bowl – yogurt, chia seeds, vanilla protein, oats, banana, strawberries, and pineapple, topped with Honey Nut Cheerios + peanuts. I gave M a little bite of it, but she was more interested in chewing on the spoon…
We have a running club over the summer that meets pretty much every weekday morning. Even though Matt can’t exactly run right now (he’s dealing with some chronic injuries that we’re still trying to figure out), the other 2 coaches (another married couple) run about the same pace as me. It’s so nice to have people to run with, and not have to push a stroller every morning (although I don’t really mind that). We ran a 4.5 mile loop in 34:12 – a 7:39/mile pace that felt fairly easy, except for on some of the hills. Amazing what running different hills does. I guess I need to start changing my routes up a bit more!
I ate some almonds in the car on our way to take MacKenna to swimming lessons! We are doing 2 weeks worth of swimming lessons, Monday through Thursday, and even after just 2 days, I am absolutely loving it! I will go into it more on M’s 8 month update next week!
After a quick shower, I ate a delicious “healthy” taco salad for lunch. Romaine, cheddar, broccoli, snap peas, carrots, red pepper, salsa, Catalina dressing, and tortilla chips. Such a yummy salad!
With some cottage cheese + blueberries for a little extra boost of protein.
I snacked on some Goldfish crackers and almonds while playing with MacKenna on the floor all afternoon, before making Heather’s Cinnamon Oatmeal Bars while M napped. Such a great “appetizer” before dinner! (BTW, Matt said these were “crack good”!)
They actually look much prettier than this, but I’m impatient and had to have a piece before it cooled down, so it fell apart on me.
Matt has cross country camp this week, so I’m on my own for dinner. My version of a microwave meal – sweet potato, broccoli, red pepper, black bean burger, and cottage cheese. Cooked + ready in 10 minutes and only 1 bowl to clean!
And since I’m addicted to ice cream right now, a mug full of homemade ice cream with chocolate chips. After searching the store shelves for ice cream that didn’t have HFCS and didn’t cost a gazillion dollars, I decided to just go ahead an make my own. Pretty simple too. Just half + half, heavy cream, sugar, and vanilla. It’s no frozen custard (which has eggs) but it still hit the spot!
MacKenna’s Eats
This has been such a struggle lately for us. I’m getting frustrated and I think she know I am. We actually took her to the doctor on Monday just to make sure she was OK, which of course she is! (Yes, I think we are those parents.) I’ll get into that next week too.
Some banana for breakfast that she didn’t eat, including after I put it in the mesh feeder. And green beans for lunch + dinner. She actually did OK with this at lunch. She took maybe 3 or 4 bites, and was more willing to actually put it in her mouth after I ate some of it out of her hand. Of course, then she wanted to feed me… I think her face says it all though.
Do you read food labels? Would you make something from scratch if you couldn’t find what you wanted in the store?