weekend + weekly workout recap

It was an absolutely BEAUTIFUL weekend in St. Louis!  Highs Saturday + Sunday were in the mid-60s and just perfect for spending time outside.  Did we do anything special?  Nope.  But, we did get a chance to hang out with the neighbors in the backyard for a little bit both days, which was nice.  Have I told you guys how much I love where we live?!  We have the greatest neighbors (of course, we pretty much picked them) - the spring-like weather definitely had me looking forward to spring evenings spent with the kiddos in the backyard and summer nights chilling with the adults.  Can't. Freaking. Wait.Thankfully, I did get a chance to get out and run on Friday and Sunday.  I got to take Miles out for his first stroller run Friday afternoon!  Kenna spent the day at the babysitter since I had a meeting out at school, so Miles got to come with me all by himself!  It was also probably the longest he's EVER been outside, which again, had me looking forward to warmer weather.  And I LOVE snow, but with our lack of snow this season, I'm ready for spring!  Can't wait for more stroller runs with the kiddos, although I'm still searching for a used double jogger.  I had a prospect this weekend, but I contacted her too late.  Boo.IMG_0880Screen Shot 2015-02-08 at 8.43.12 PMMonday:  2.5 mile treadmill walk/run (11:04/mile) + Insanity Max:30 Cardio Challenge #1Tuesday:  2.5 mile treadmill walk/run (11:09/mile) + Insanity Max:30 Tabata StrengthWednesday:  PiYo Sweat IntervalsThursday:  2.5 mile treadmill walk/run (10:53/mile) + Insanity Max:30 SweatFriday:  3 mile stroller walk/run (10:54/mile - I had to extend my walk intervals because RunKeeper doesn't let me do 200m + added a 400m jog cool down to get back to my house) + Insanity Max:30 Friday Fight #1Saturday:  restSunday:  3 mile walk/run (11:07/mile)Total:  13.5 milesIMG_0868As far as strength training goes, I have a love/hate relationship with Shaun T.  I don't think I've ever felt so out of shape in my life until this week.  Insanity is no joke.  If this doesn't whip me into shape, I don't know what will!  Although, I will admit, I was missing doing PiYo as much this past week.  There's just something about PiYo that is so refreshing - plus, I know my body really needs the flexibility from PiYo and Lord knows I don't stretch on my own!  Ha!I'm looking forward to adding more distance to my running segments this week!  Can't wait to run more than a half mile non-stop!  I think I'm ready! :)  Oh, and probably my favorite moment from this weekend...IMG_0903Kenna finally asked to hold her brother (we definitely weren't going to force that), so we did!  She absolutely LOVES her little brother, and we can tell that he adores her as well with as much as he looks and smiles at her!