weekend of firsts

With a baby, almost every weekend involves firsts.  While MacKenna didn’t hit any new developmental milestones this weekend (although she’s thisclose to learning how to sit on her own), we did celebrate several firsts this past weekend.

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My weekend actually started on Friday because we didn’t have school!  Love having random days off that don’t revolve around holidays (not counting Cinco de Mayo).  We took advantage of the day off and headed to Noodles & Company for lunch for the first time.  The closest Noodles & Co. is 20 minutes away from our house, so that’s why it has taken me so long to have their delicious food.  I decided on the Bangkok Curry bowl, full of veggies + tofu with a slightly spicy curry sauce.  It was light and refreshing and absolutely delish, perfect for the heat wave we’ve been experiencing the past few days.

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After lunch, we visited Faust Park – my first time to the park (known for their carousel + the Butterfly House, neither of which we visited on Friday) and MacKenna’s first time to a playground!  I have been dying to take her to a park to go on the swings and slides since the weather has gotten warm.  Since she’s still not quite sitting up on her own yet, she really only got to experience sitting in a swing, not actually swinging.


The swing practically gobbled her up!  She wasn’t too sure about the swing or the slide, but I’m sure a few more trips to the playground and she’ll be in love.  (Did I mention only 14 school days left until summer?!)



Saturday morning started with my first long run in the St. Louis humidity (and it’s only the beginning of May).  Even at 7:30 in the morning, I was drenched in sweat a half mile into my run.  It was one of those runs that I just didn’t want to do the whole time I was running.  I got about half way into my 7 mile run and decided to let myself walk a little every 1/2 mile.  My pace was slower than I would have liked (7 miles in 60 minutes), but I just couldn’t handle the heat.  I need to stop avoiding the heat in the afternoons so I can get acclimated for summer training.  Luckily, I had a smoothie in a bowl to cool me off after a sweaty run.

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After getting cleaned up, MacKenna + I headed to Costco to stock up on some pantry staples and to meet a local celebrity at a book signing.


I’m not going to lie – I have a little bit of a crush on Dave Murray.  Yes, he’s older than my dad, but I love smart men and I love weather.  Thus, my crush on Dave Murray.  (We’re not quite on first name basis, yet.)  So, when I found out he was signing his new children’s book about weather (with his wife) at the Costco we frequent, I absolutely had to go.  I had MacKenna in the sling for the first time (wooohoo for hands free + baby wearing) and when Janis Murray saw how adorable she was, she insisted we get a picture with Dave.  You don’t have to ask me twice!


Ah, I die!  I swear she knew his voice too since we watch him every single night on the news.  I have a feeling MacKenna’s first crush is on Dave Murray… ;)

After meeting Dave + Janis, we headed over to my parents’ house to celebrate MacKenna’s first Cinco de Mayo!


OK, so we typically don’t go out of our way to make a big stink about the 5th of May, but it was a good excuse to get together with my family and avoid the drinking crowds at the local restaurants.  We ate, drank margaritas, socialized, and played the pinata – most of us, for the first time!


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We finished our weekend with our first family photo shoot with Matt’s super talented sister.  I’m so thankful to have a family member who is such an excellent photographer and willing to take our pictures for free!

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We also took some 6 month pictures of MacKenna.  Seriously, is she not the cutest baby ever?!



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Did you do anything for the first time this weekend?  Did you celebrate Cinco de Mayo this year?