triathlon training: week 6

Sorry I’m posting so late!  This week has been crazy busy!  We met with our real estate agent on Tuesday, started our “Get the House Ready to Sell” project on Wednesday, took MacKenna to the zoo on Thursday, had a garage sale Friday and Saturday, went to my parents for a BBQ Saturday afternoon, and did more home improvement stuff Sunday.  Really, we did home improvement stuff every day (that August 1st deadline has really kicked our butts into go mode) and have made some good progress.  We still have a TON of stuff to get done, but we’re slowly inching our way closer.


So, MacKenna’s lunch time was the first chance I got to sit down and blog.  *sigh* I needed the time to just sit for a second.  With how busy last week was, my training definitely took a hit, which left me totally frustrated by Sunday since I missed my one and only swim-bike-run brick in my training.  Ugh.  But, I do plenty of other bricks and 2-a-days that I don’t think my training (or lack there of) will really effect how I do on race day.

2013 Sprint Triathlon Training Plan


4.7 mile easy run

{ CrossFit }
Heavy Kettlebell Swings 3x20, 35 lbs

As many rounds/reps as possible in 12 minutes:
KB Swings 15x, 25 lbs
Run 200m
(Completed 7 rounds)


40 minute interval ride on the spin bike
(~10 miles)

1.4 mile easy run


8.3 mile hike with Elena
(We were only supposed to do the 5.3 mile loop but missed a turn somewhere and ended up doing the 8 mile loop.  I was exhausted by the end!)


30 minute swim
(1,100 yards)

2.0 mile easy run


6.2 mile easy run


Rest Day


Rest Day


Not my best week but also not terrible either.  I hate when I get frustrated about missing workouts when I had 5 great workouts leading up to that point.  Oh well.  I felt much better today after swimming and running.  It’s amazing how much better I feel after a good workout session.  On to the week ahead… Have a great week!

Missed a week?  Check out how my training has gone to this point:

Week 1

Week 2

Week 3

Week 4 – skipped due to vacation

Week 5