to run comfortably

After spending nearly 2 weeks on vacation, I was more than ready to get back to a normal workout routine.  However, I have been busy filling in at my mom’s office this week, so my normal 6 AM run has been moved up an hour, and is no longer outside, but on the treadmill instead.


I actually have been enjoying running on the treadmill.  I never in my life thought I would enjoy running on a treadmill more than running outside, but the treadmill is just so much easier. 

You see, running during pregnancy is similar to what it feels like to run the last 6.2 miles of a marathon:

  • You’re ridiculously tired
  • Your feet, ankles, knees, and hips ache
  • You can’t drink enough water to keep you hydrated
  • You are no longer running – you are shuffling

With running on the treadmill, I can actually get a good stride instead of a shuffle and the temperature is just so much more comfortable.  An air conditioned room with fans overhead is just so much better than the heat + humidity we have been experiencing in St. Louis this past week.  Plus, the convenience of having my water next to me at all times and the ability to check my heart rate never hurts.


I’m amazed at how comfortable I feel running this far along in my pregnancy.  More comfortable than I did at the beginning of the second trimester, when my belly seemed to want to do it’s own thing.  Even with a 15 pound bowling ball attached to the front of me, I feel like I am running “normal”, albeit much slower.

Although I am comfortable, I am noticing the constant exhaustion I felt during the first trimester creeping back in, and more and more daily aches and pains.  I think rest is going to be my best friend these last 3 months and scaling back to shorter, less frequent runs is going to make my body, and my baby (and husband), much happier.
