things i'm loving lately
Happy Friday! (I almost said Happy Good Friday, but given that Good Friday is when Jesus died on the cross, I figured that wasn't exactly appropriate.) I have today off of school and am so ready for a long weekend off with my family. Bonus: Matt doesn't have track at all this weekend, so we will really get a lot of "family of 4" time! Too bad the weather is supposed to be crappy today, otherwise we'd probably spend most of the day outside.Because I'm trying to turn off my mind for the weekend, I figured Things I'm Loving would be appropriate for a Friday.1. The Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt. If you have Netflix and you haven't started watching this original series yet, you HAVE to! It's hysterical - I actually finished all 13 episodes in less than a week! Tina Fey is one of the producers of it, so you know it has to be good!2. Timehop. So, I gave in and decided to download the Timehop app on my phone. I convinced Matt to do it as well. I have been loving looking back at what we were up to the past several years, and it's been fun comparing Kenna as a baby to Miles. Let's just say, Miles is the size MacKenna was at 6 months. Ha!3. Lucky Charms. Around St. Patrick's Day, I kept seeing pins on Pinterest with Lucky Charms as part of the recipe. I went and bought some, made some trail mix to take to school, and since then, it is ALL I want to eat for breakfast. I actually went out one morning a few weeks ago because that's all both Matt and I wanted for breakfast. It's crack, I'm tellin' ya!
4. Aldi. I actually probably owe you guys a full post on this. We started shopping at Aldi a few months ago in an attempt to save money. I was worried I was going to miss the more upscale local grocery stores in town, but surprisingly enough, I am actually loving Aldi! And I do think we are making a difference in how much we're spending each month on groceries. It makes me feel a little less guilty with some of my impulse buys as well (I'm looking at you, Easter M&Ms...).