For me, Wednesdays are always an easy run + strength training day.  I typically do my easy run in the morning and then my strength workout in the afternoon, since it usually takes me less than 20 minutes and I have a great gym at school that I can use.However, one Wednesday each month, I have a faculty meeting after school that lasts until 4PM, which means I don’t have time to get my strength training session in.  And Lord knows I am NOT going to wake up any earlier than I already do.  I’m crazy for getting up at 4AM to run, but that’s where the crazy ends.  I’m not getting up any earlier than I have to to get my run in.  And, my daughter has gymnastics on Wednesday nights, so getting the workout in after my meeting is out of the question.OK, I know I could PROBABLY get my strength training in a different day of the week, but I also have another meeting on Tuesday after school (are you starting to see where teachers actually DO work more than 40 hours per week?!) and I typically push that strength training day to Thursday, and I already lift Monday + Friday, so I still REALLY want to get in my 4th lift of the week.So, I’ve come up with a solution.  It’s the run bias workout - and my Elite Running Academy members and VIP Runners have gotten super familiar with these workouts.  They kill 2 birds with one stone, give you a little chance to build up your speed, and depending on the distance, can definitely get those miles in that you need.  This one is actually an oldie but a goodie that I stumbled across from one of my training logs from a few years ago.  Nothing like getting in 3 miles + your strength training in one workout!

3 rounds:Run 1 mileBurpees 8x [demo]Kettlebell or Dumbbell Swings 10x [demo]Weighted Lunges 12x [demo]Sit-Ups 14x [demo]

I typically try to do the run at my half marathon pace (HMP), which for me is right around a 7-minute mile.  It’s fast, but it’s not all out.  Plus, the burpees, swings, lunges, and sit-ups will help you build strength in your glutes, hamstrings, and hips, which are super important for runners who are looking to build speed!**********Looking to build strength + speed?  Want more workouts like this that you can do with minimal equipment in less than 20 minutes a day?  Need some direction, structure, and motivation when it comes to your training?  The Elite Running Academy will give you all of this + MORE!This 3-week program includes:

  • Daily running workouts, including speed training, recovery days, long runs, and rest days to provide you with structure + guidance
  • Strength training workouts that fit with your running workouts and can be done in less than 20 minutes without needing a gym membership
  • An easy-to-follow nutrition program without having to count calories or macros and helps FUEL you as a runner
  • A private Facebook community for support + encouragement
  • Weekly LIVE Q+A, where we can go in depth on your current training struggles
  • Daily motivation, inspiration, and encouragement to help you reach your training goals

The Elite Running Academy will help you train like an elite athlete, regardless of your experience or ability, giving you motivation and guidance to start achieving those PRs you’ve only DREAMED about!  Your elite training begins March 6th - ARE YOU IN?!

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