spring break + workouts
It was so nice to be off with my family last week! I know I had only been back to work for 2 weeks, but spring break couldn't have come at a more perfect time. Of course, it flew by though.We started off the week by enjoying the absolutely GORGEOUS weather with everyone in St. Louis at the Zoo. I'm extremely thankful that the zoo is free, but any time the weather gets over 50 degrees, everyone and their mom heads to the zoo. I went with my girlfriends and all our kids (minus Miles - he stayed home with Matt because he was sick, but is doing much better now!) and we had a great time!
The rest of the week was spent relaxing at home for the most part. We went out to lunch a few times, including trying out the new-in-town Tom+Chee. It was pretty chilly the majority of the week, so we spent a lot of time inside, including a trip to the mall with my brand spanking new-to-me double jogging stroller! Thankfully, it cleared up this weekend, so we spent some time playing outside as well, and had our first ice cream of the season! Thank goodness for Feast Days on Sundays in Lent!
Needless to say, I'm so not ready to go back to work this week. The countdown to the end of the school year is now on. Only 44 (?) days of school left...I also got a bunch of great runs in last week as well. I decided to take the week off from lifting and will really be hitting it hard this week. I feel like I've spent the last 12 weeks just getting back into things, but now I'm ready to start working my butt off. This is my last week of mileage building and then I'll be starting some speed workouts next week. And silly me, I totally forgot I have a RACE this coming Saturday! Of course, I won't really be racing too much, but it'll be nice to see where I'm at pace-wise!Monday: 3 mile easy run (8:17/mile)Tuesday: 4 mile easy run (8:55/mile)Wednesday: 5 mile easy run (8:37/mile)
Thursday: 2.4 mile run w/ intervals - 30s on/30s off (8:17/mile)Friday: 4 mile easy run (8:18/mile)Saturday: 5 mile easy run (8:33/mile)Sunday: rest day - my workout was cleaning the basement, which I feel SO much better about!Total: 23.4 miles