return to the gym

Sorry for my lack of posting.  Sunday, I was just too plain lazy to post anything and I’m waiting on pictures to post about MacKenna’s baptism this weekend, but I will tell you that it was wonderful!  Monday was… hard.  Didn’t finish my breakfast, didn’t shower, held a baby all day because she just did NOT want. to. sleep.  So, my attempt to post sometime during the day just wasn’t going to happen.

However, my wonderful husband let me get a workout at the gym when he got home from work Monday afternoon.

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Oh, Club Fitness.  How I’ve missed you!  This has been my longest layoff from the gym ever – 4 weeks since I last went to the gym to workout and 22 days since my last workout.  (Thanks Daily Mile for reminding me of that.)

At 3 weeks postpartum, I am feeling great!  Well, at least physically.  (Mentally is another story, but we won’t get into that right now.  Blah.)  I decided to try out the recumbent bike instead of walking on the treadmill (it was a blah day outside yesterday) since I figured it might be a little easier.

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30 minutes on the bike with my new Runner’s World felt AH-mazing!  I had a little tenderness around my incision, but it was mostly from my shorts rubbing against it.  But, it felt so nice to sweat again – even if it was just a little bit.

I have to admit, though, I miss the freedom of being able to workout whenever I want.  I used to be able to wake up at 6 or 7 AM (on my days off) to go to the gym for a workout.  Now, waking up at 6 or 7 AM feels. like. torture.  It would make my life much easier if I would just get up after MacKenna’s early morning feeding (which can range anywhere from 4 to 8 AM), but I’m usually just way to exhausted to even think about going to the gym.  All I want is my bed and comfy pillows.  *sigh*  Oh, the life of a new mom…

Hopefully she will be sleeping (mostly) through the night soon and we can get on a schedule.  Until then, I will gladly let Matt take care of her for an hour while I get a little sanity break for the day.
