pinterest-ing monthly: february

Keeping up with my New Year’s Resolution, here’s what I’ve been pinning, baking, crafting, and doing this month:

I’ve baked some really awesome things this month!  I’ve been looking for a lot more non-chocolate recipes since giving up chocolate for Lent and these recipes have definitely delivered!


And my one chocolate recipe before Lent was pretty awesome as well.

And of course, I had one fail (that caused a ridiculous breakdown).  It helps to read directions completely and I totally didn’t drain my strawberries before pureeing them, so this turned into more of a streusel than a Newton.


I also made this chia seed pudding the other day (Costco sells really cheap chia seeds so I have a boat load of them).  A little like tapioca, but it really needed some chocolate! ;)


I haven’t done a ton of crafting this month.  In fact, I still have all the materials that I had last month to make this beautiful wreath.


I’ll get around to it, I just know it’s a time consuming project and I haven’t been wanting to commit the time to it.  Instead, I did this quick DIY duster during MacKenna’s nap the other day.

Source: via Kristen on Pinterest


I don’t own a sewing machine, nor do I know how to sew, so I ended up doing this by hand.  It’s not great or pretty by any means, but it works and I can wait to try it out this weekend!  And speaking of cleaning, I finally used this method to clean my microfiber sofa.  While my mom thought it still looked dirty, it was WAY better than it was!  I’ll be using this once a month from now on!


The biggest thing I’ve really been focusing on this month is learning how to use my camera to take better pictures.  These pins have definitely been helping!


I still have a loooooooooooooooooooooong way to go, but they’re getting better.  But, I’m planning on writing more about learning about photography and how to use my camera in a separate post.

What have you been pinning this month?  Any good recipes or crafts you’ve done lately?