out with the old…

2010 was a hard year for my family.  I can’t say it was the worst year of my life because really, it wasn’t awful. Just, HARD…

Losing both my grandfathers, lots of cancers + injuries of family + friends, no job prospects for the first 9 months of the year, etc.  Doesn’t make for the best year, to say the least.



But, there were several things that redeemed this year.  First of all, I started this blog.  What started as a fun little project has become a new passion.  I love this blog and I hope that the few of you who read it enjoy it too.














Although I started off the year without a job and several interviews with no job outcome, I did finally receive a phone call about a job that I absolutely love!  Sure, it’s not exactly the ideal job I have been looking for, but I love what I do, I love the people I work with, and I absolutely adore the kids at my school.


Throughout my summer with no job outlook + a very ill grandfather, running is what saved my sanity.  Training for + running the Chicago Marathon was one of the greatest experiences of my life.  I don’t regret a single mile logged and it helped me fall back in love with the sport of running.  And believe me, I plan on running Chicago and a few more marathons in the future, just not anytime soon!








So, even though the year was tough, it helps to look at the positive things that did happen to put a better perspective on life.  The year is coming to an end, but I have so many amazing things to look forward to already in the New Year.

Stay tuned for “In With The New”…
