our blogiversary/babymoon getaway

I am proud to say that today marks my 1 year Blogiversary!  I can’t believe I’ve been blogging for an entire year now!  I love my little blog and I love hearing how many of YOU love my blog!  So, thank you to all my readers for making my blog into something I cherish and love to do!

So, what did I do to celebrate my 1 year Blogiversary?  Why, get frozen custard of course!  But first, Matt + I decided to take a little Babymoon to Kansas City, MO to spend some time together before our little bundle of joy makes her arrival in October.  We just got back from a wonderful 3-day trip, so this will be a jammed packed post full of pictures of our adventures and also frozen custard!

We decided not to leave until late Monday morning, after a good workout, just because the one thing we had planned for the day didn’t start until 7.  We decided before heading to our only planned thing for the day to hit up Grinders, which was featured on Diners, Drive-Ins, and Dives on Food Network.


Definitely an eclectic dive.  They are known for their crazy pizzas, which sounded delicious, but I was really wanting a sandwich, so I ended up with a Veggie Philly sandwich made with peppers, onions, mushrooms, artichoke hears, and smothered in cream cheese.  Delicious!


Matt went for the Reuben with jalapeno sauerkraut, which was his selling point.  He also said it was an awesome sandwich!


Then, it was on to the main event…

Welcome to Kauffman Stadium, home of the Kansas City Royals!  Wow, what a completely different experience than going to a Cardinals game.  We were able to park just steps away from the stadium gates and were able to upgrade our $5 tickets – for FREE!  Who cares that we didn’t know a single player on either team.  We had a great time exploring a new and beautiful stadium.

100_4254100_4259100_4262100_4275100_4274  1985 World Series trophy – the I-70 series Royals vs. Cardinals.  Too bad my Cards lost… of course, I was 1 so I don’t remember it!  And ignore my farmer’s tan ankles.

And of course, I was happy to find several Sheridan’s Frozen Custard stands around the stadium.  My dinner was a little light, so I was all about getting some frozen custard for dessert!

I went for a Dirt + Worms concrete – vanilla custard blended with Oreos and topped with chocolate sprinkles and gummy worms.
Gummy worms might sound a little weird with frozen custard, but I assure you, they taste delicious mixed in!  I devoured this and loved every second of it!  Yummy!
Tuesday was even more low-key.  Really, we had some things we wanted to see, but really had no plan for when to see them or anything else we wanted to do.  So, we started out at the City Market, which is full of produce and little restaurants + delis.  Unfortunatey, the farmer’s market is on Wednesdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, so it wasn’t a real bustling place.

We followed the City Market by heading up to Liberty, MO to check something off Matt’s bucket list:  to visit a Jesse James bank.  Nothing like hitting up the Jesse James Bank Museum! 

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I don’t really have any pictures inside since it was pretty small and looked pretty much like a bank.  This was the site of the first ever daytime bank robbery.  But we also found out that Jesse James most likely wasn’t at the actual robbery, even though he was the brains behind it.  The weird part was while the woman was telling us the story of the bank robbery, she pointed to a door where the 2 men came in and as soon as she finished saying that, the door handle rattled like someone was trying to get in.  And then no one actually came in the building.  Matt + I both noticed and thought it was really creepy (we’re both big believers in ghosts).  Crazy…

We explored historic Liberty for a little while and ran across this cute little frozen custard shop!  Unfortunately, it didn’t open until 2 and it was only 12:30 and wanted to head back to downtown KC.  If we’re ever in Liberty again, I WILL be checking this place out! 


We then headed to Country Club Plaza for some very upscale shopping!  It was such a beautiful outdoor mall, and even with the heat, we enjoyed walking around and going into many of the (baby) stores.

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We met up with one of Matt’s teacher friends who moved back to the KC area this past school year.  Unfortunately, I have NO pictures to show from it, but they took us out for Mexican food where I got an amazing guacamole enchilada.  Yes, guac in an enchilada.  This will be recreated in my own kitchen.  Ya’ll know I can’t pass up enchiladas!  We also headed to Parkville, MO that is under a a flood warning for the next few weeks.  Of course, I was expecting the river to be covering roads and such, but it was still maintained in its banks… at least for a few more days.

And that brings us to today.  We checked out of our hotel and headed to the Nelson-Atkins Art Museum.  I love going to art museums with Matt just because he knows so much about art – it’s definitely more his thing than mine, but I am learning and love seeing what his views are on different sculptures + paintings.


I loved this museum!  The architecture of the building was breathtaking, and I mean, how can you go wrong with huge sculptures of shuttlecocks outside!  It’s where art and PE collide…

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And, like I said earlier, I had to find a new frozen custard place in KC to try out for my Blogiversary!  I did my research ahead of time and stumbled across Foo’s Fabulous Frozen Custard.  It actually happened to be their anniversary as well… their 23rd anniversary!  I am wishing I would’ve brought a candle to stick in my custard so we really could’ve celebrated!

What I really loved about Foo’s was their extensive list of concrete combinations!  Seriously, there were a TON of things I never would’ve thought of combining together.  It was a tough choice, but as soon as I saw the … I knew I had to get it and make up with my major fail of an order from the other night.


Vanilla custard with pretzels (!), cinnamon, and hard shell chocolate.  It was a little less chocolatey than I would’ve liked.  I was expecting big chunks of chocolate chips only to find that it was really hard shell chocolate.  The cinnamon was very strong, but the pretzel helped balance it out a bit.


Matt went for the … in sundae form (he likes to rain on my concrete parade), which was vanilla custard topped with pretzels (!!), caramel, and toffee.  He gave me a taste of just the plain vanilla – definitely not a strong vanilla flavor and not as smooth as some of the others we’ve had, but it was still delicious!  And their caramel was awesome!


After a nice long detour up to Lexington, MO for some historical site seeing and a 3 hour car ride home, we are home… and exhausted!  It was a great little affordable getaway and we loved just getting to spend some time together.  But, it’s nice to be home and really start our summer break together.  And I am dying for some veggies to balance out all the custard + Goldfish crackers we have eaten the past 3 days!  It’ll be nice to get back into normal eating habits for sure!

Woo… this is a long one!  If you stuck around this long, you get a hug the next time I see you or meet you!