on the move

Oh goodness, it’s been quite the week.  Just when I thought it’d be time to relax, I’ve had big decisions to make and a baby who’s decided to get about as close to crawling as possible.

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MacKenna is definitely on the move now.  She’s not crawling – yet – but She. Is. Everywhere.  If she’s not rolling to get to her toys (or couch or ottoman or sleep sheep), she’s scooting around, pushing up on her arms, and rocking back and forth, just trying to figure out what to do next.  I would love to say she’ll be crawling by this time next week, but with how long it took her to finally roll over, I’m not holding my breath.  She’ll get there, but until then, I’ll be worrying about getting a baby gate up before she makes it to the basement stairs.

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Other things I’ve been up to this week:  trying out a new (to me) shaved ice/frozen custard place!  My friend Laura (it’s still weird saying that since technically she is Matt’s ex-girlfriend, but we have bonded over pregnancy and babies and I now I consider her a friend) told me about Lulu’s Shaved Ice a month or so ago.  It’s about 15-20 minutes away from where we live, so it’s taken me awhile to get out to it, but last night, we finally decided to make the trek out to Wentzville to try it out.



While they are “known” for their shaved ice, I was there for the frozen custard, of course.  I was really hoping that their flavor of the day would be one of their many Gooey Butter flavors, but no such luck.  Instead, I decided to go with what I’ve been craving:  chocolate.


Kasper’s Candy Crunch had Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups, Heath bar, and M&M’s all blended up in frozen custard (you can also choose frozen yogurt).  While I really enjoyed it, it was definitely missing something.  After trying out Matt’s creation (Heath bar, Reese’s, and caramel), I realized what it needed…


Caramel!  Why is everything better with caramel?!

We both really enjoyed our desserts, although it was a lot of food.  But, I sort of make it a point to finish my desserts (it’s a bad, bad habit).  I was stuffed afterward – totally worth it!  We will definitely have to go back to try their shaved ice since their flavors were very intriguing (wedding cake?! wine cooler?!).

Now, I have the weekend to look forward to:  I think we’re heading to the zoo today (M’s first time going!), the Strawberry Festival in Kimmswick tomorrow, our first stroller race on Sunday, and this little man’s 1st birthday Sunday afternoon.


How has it been a year already?!  I swear that picture was taken just days ago!  Can’t wait to see how big he’s gotten!  (And don’t you think MacKenna looks just a little bit like her older cousin, Lucas?!)  It should be another exciting weekend, for sure!

Would you choose frozen custard, frozen yogurt, or shaved ice?  What’s the craziest flavor dessert you’ve ever tried?