no walking

I’ve really been struggling with finding the time to workout.  I have all the motivation in the world to do it, but when your life revolves around 2 other people’s schedules (the hubs’ and the bebe’s), it’s hard to figure out when your workouts will happen.  Add in breastfeeding, pumping, cooking/eating, and trying to manage a home, I get about 30 to 45 minutes to squeeze in a run.

On top of all that, I had scheduled my annual ENT checkup for 5 o’clock Thursday afternoon – smack dab in the middle of my timeframe to run.  Crap.

I’m trying really hard to stick to my training plan, but am finding it difficult to get 5 runs in per week.  I’m doing it, thanks to my wonderful babysitting hubby.  Of course, I lost a day of running since my stupid gym only has 10 treadmills, which fill up fast at the 5 o’clock hour.  Again, that 30 minute timeframe really screws me over.  And knowing I had a lunch date and Christmas party to go to Friday, I had to get a run in on Thursday.

Thank goodness it was a bit warmer out so I was able to take MacKenna out for a run in the jogging stroller!  I was a little nervous to be pushing the stroller since I had a 2-mile, no walking run planned – my first run without walking since May.

photo 4 (3) This is a recycled picture – I promise she was bundled up much more than that in 50 degree weather!

The first half mile was rough, but after my legs loosened up a bit, it felt great!  In fact, at one point I even looked down and saw a sub-8 minute pace on my Garmin!  Guaranteed, I’m still a ways away from keeping a sub-8 minute pace for 2 miles, but it’s definitely a start!  And running while pushing the stroller wasn’t nearly as hard as I expected.  I believe I can count this as my first PDR (personal distance record) with the stroller! ;)

Mile 1 – 9:15
Mile 2 – 8:48
Total time:  18:03 (9:02/mile)

My right shin bothered me a little bit, which I know is due to my shoes.  I’ve had them almost a year now and that’s way too long for me (I usually buy new shoes every 4 months). So, I’ll probably pull on my Zensah sleeves and hope that Santa brings some new Asics for me to run in!
