In order to run FASTER, we have to run FASTER.I mean, DUH.  But, while every part of that statement is true, don’t you wish that speed came quicker?  That you could get FASTER in a shorter amount of time?Running FASTER absolutely is the answer to increasing your pace and race times.  However, there might be TWO KEY FACTORS that you are missing from your training that is holding you back from hitting your next PR.


Any time that I am slacking on either one of those 2 things, my paces seem to struggle.  My runs feel harder, my easy runs are MUCH slower, and I struggle to hit my splits on my speed workouts.  But, once I’m back in the habit of my strength training and fueling correctly, everything seems to fall into place nicely.  Running comes effortlessly, my splits feel easy (or at least easier), and - the best part - I recover SO much faster, despite the fact that my legs tend to be a little more sore than normal.And the best part:  you don’t have to spend HOURS at the gym to gain strength, and you can still have your FAVORITE foods (think, pizza, beer, and ice cream - my personal favorites).

The SECRET:  a combination of high intensity interval training (HIIT), carb cycling, and intermittent fasting.

I know those are BIG, scary words, but those 3 things combined create a KILLER combination that can lead to FASTER running + BIG PRs!  And it doesn’t have to be difficult.  Here is a typical low carb + fasting day for me, complete with run + strength workout for you to try:


30-45 minute easy run + strides

STRENGTH (lower body)

3 rounds of the following exercises:Walking Lunges 20xSit-Ups 25xSquat Jumps 15xPush-Ups 10x


Breakfast:  NONE! (gasp)Lunch:  Salad with tuna + veggies, Greek yogurt with cashewsSnack:  Protein ShakeDinner:  Fish Tacos (with low carb tortillas)Dessert:  Halo Top ice cream (so far, S’Mores is my favorite flavor!)

The strength workout literally took me less than 5 minutes added on to the end of my run, and I saved even MORE time by not having to worry about breakfast in the morning!  Instead, I was able to eat my breakfast as a snack later in the day (protein shake)!

Ready to try my Magic Bullet Combination for yourself?!  Join the 6-week Elite Running Academy, where I will give you the structure + support you need in order to bust out of a plateau, start running FASTER, and start setting new PRs!
