One of the best things about being in online business is that you meet people from all over the world.  Some of my best friends now are people who I have met online - and some I have never even met in person before!  But, we have a connection - whether it’s online business or running - that we’ve bonded over and have become great friends because of that connection!Amanda is one of those people!  We met technically as coworkers - we were both working as virtual assistants for the same online business coach.  We started chatting more on messenger and our friendship blossomed!  Now, we team up on multiple projects (Amanda is a SUPER talented graphic designer) together and basically vent to each other on a daily basis!  She has been so much fun getting to know and eventually we WILL meet in person!Oh, and I forgot to mention, she’s a RUNNER too!  We are already planning a running date when we meet up… someday!Meet the AMAZING Amanda below, and be sure to join the Badass Running Buddies Community to meet more of my AMAZING running buddies, and become one yourself!

  Name:  Amanda ParkerAge: 33Hometown:  Richmond, VAOccupation:  Graphic DesignerBlog:  @marathondesignsFacebook: of years running: 10+Favorite Distance to Run: 26.2!Favorite or Most Memorable Race: Richmond Marathon - it felt pretty awesome to PR in my hometown!Biggest/Best Running Accomplishment:  Knowing we would be trying to start a family in 2013, I made 2012 my year of running and was able to run 2 half marathons, 2 full marathons and a 50k that year.  I’m hoping to do that again at some point!What advice can you give to someone who is just starting their running journey? Don’t compare your abilities to anyone else, including a previous version of yourself.  Just put your shoes on, get outside and go.  Whether you run for 5 minutes or 5 hours, you’re still a runner. :)
Want to become online running buddies with me + other runners across the globe, and have the chance to be featured on The Concrete Runner?!  Join the Badass Running Buddies Community and apply to be featured on the blog!  Runners of all ages, genders, and ability levels are welcome to be a part of our GROWING online community!