littles, links, + loves // july 2016

I HATE that July is over and that it goes by sooooooo fast.  Can I just say that I am NOT loving that my summer is almost officially over?  Ugh.  I'm so not ready to go back to school.  I'm actually heading in a few days this week to get some work done (you know, like setting up my office) and for a mentor/mentee meeting.  I'm going to be cherishing my last few days at home with my kiddos for sure.  (Matt actually has to go back on Monday, so I shouldn't complain too much...)littlesI think one and a half is my favorite age!  Miles is such a great little kid - he is independent and is able to communicate his needs, even though he can't always say all the words to us.  He is repeating everything and learning new things every single day.  However, I officially rank last in his favorite people.  I hate it, but I am thankful that he is willing to be around other people and doesn't need to cling to me all the time (unlike some of my other children *cough* MacKenna...).Miles - 19 monthsSpeaking of the 4 year old terror, we definitely hit quite a rough patch this summer.  WAY too much time with Mom + Dad being at home.  She has become extremely needy and must be touching me pretty much at all times.  She has also been having TERRIBLE tantrums lately that end up with her screaming, crying, kicking, etc. for 30 to 60 minutes.  One of the things we have been incorporating into her "routine" this summer is her button jar.  We are trying to get her to become more independent and to demonstrate good behavior (wow, that just sounded very teacher-y of me).  If she does certain things on her own or behaves herself + makes good choices, she earns a button (or 2, depending on the behavior).  If she makes a bad choice, she loses a button.  Each button is worth 25-cents and she can cash them in for toys or other things she might want.  It has been working so well for us so far.  All we have to say is that she will lose a button and she changes her attitude.  We still have a few meltdowns, but it has gotten so much better!img_6401.jpglinksThe Rock 'n' Roll Race Series just launched their first virtual race series that includes BLING for completing a 5K on your own.  While the first "race" of the series is over (the guitar solo), there are still 2 more opportunities to earn medals and PRIZES for running a 5K and uploading a photo of your drum solo and lead singer photos + videos.  It has been such a fun community to be a part of - and you don't have to go anywhere to earn your race bling and to earn prizes in the "finisher zone"!  Be sure to check out all the details and let me know if you decide to register!  I will be posting my drum solo video soon!  Make sure to follow the hashtag #RNRVIRTUALRUN to see all the submissions!518521_233936536_XLargelovesI have been working my rear off this summer in order to start up my own run coaching business, as many of you might have noticed the difference from my Facebook page (I just posted a video about the changes) and website.  I have this crazy dream of wanting to be able to work from home so that I am able to spend more time with my kiddos.  I love teaching + coaching and there are so many benefits to being a teacher, but I just want to be able to spend more time with my family.  So, I've actually joined Jasmin's Run Coach Business Starter course to really learn the ins + outs that go into marketing and running my own business.  And let me tell you, I am loving it!  I have learned so much this summer and I finally feel like I have a purpose.  I absolutely LOVE coaching and educating people about running.  I've always been passionate about running, but really loved coaching track this past spring (and will actually be coaching cross country this fall) and felt like that was really what I want to be doing.  I just love watching, educating, and coaching my runners to be successful!And a little self-promo here:  I would love to coach you!  I especially enjoy working with busy moms because I totally get it.  I understand how hard it is to fit training for races of any distance while trying to take care of your family.  It's hard, but that doesn't mean you can't train.  I want to help you find the time to train on your schedule and help you achieve your running and racing goals.  I have a few different coaching packages to choose from, as well as training plans for those of you who just need some direction but not necessarily in need of the coaching aspect.  I will be hosting a FREE Running Academy at the end of August, so make sure you are subscribed to my email list so you are the first to know when this program launches!  (Plus, you'll get my FREE hip circuit for signing up!)

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