just the 2 of us

With only a few weekends left before our baby arrives, Matt and I are out to make the most of our time together – just the 2 of us.  Although we really do need to be working on the nursery and packing the hospital bag (we did get a little done this weekend), we had a pretty bust weekend being spontaneous and doing the things we love to do together.

Luckily, our busy weekend involved some sleeping in – something that I’m pretty sure we won’t be seeing much after the baby arrives.  With Matt’s cross country schedule and my choir schedule, we are lucky to sleep in on Saturdays + Sundays, so we were happy to have one last weekend to get a few extra hours of sleep.


I also started my Saturday with a killer run.  I was feeling good at my usual turn around point, so I decided to go ahead and run my normal 5K route.  I don’t think I’ve run 3 miles since June!  And I was able to keep an 11:36/mile pace – not too shabby for 38 weeks pregnant!  It’s still strange to think that I won’t be a pregnant runner much longer.  I honestly have enjoyed running with my baby bump more than I expected and will probably miss it just a little bit.


We also decided to fit in what could be our last date night as just the 2 of us on Saturday night.  It also helped that we had a $50 gift card just asking to be used for The Cheesecake Factory.


I love their giant menu with plenty of vegetarian options, including a veggie burger.  It is really hard for me to pass up a veggie burger on any menu.  The only meaty thing I have ever really craved in my almost 4 years of being a vegetarian is a burger.  But, veggie burgers totally satisfy that craving for me.  Unfortunately, the lighting was terrible in the restaurant, so no pictures of our delicious food, but I promise my veggie burger and sweet potato fries were completely demolished.

[Matt got the Kobe beef burger with bacon that he claimed to be one of the best burgers he’s ever eaten.  I did have to help him a bit with his fries though. ;) ]

And of course, you can’t go to Cheesecake Factory without getting cheesecake!  Matt went for the Key Lime cheesecake, while I had to satisfy my chocolate craving and went for the Reese’s Peanut Butter Chocolate Cake cheesecake.


Eaten while cuddling together in bed.  Perfect ending to a date night any night!

After another morning sleeping in + getting some things done around the house, Matt + I made our way downtown for the day.  We weren’t really planning on being downtown all day, but after discovering an open house for the newly remodeled Peabody Opera House in conjunction with the Taste of St. Louis, we knew we had to check it out.




The Peabody (formerly Kiel Opera House) was absolutely beautiful.  Marble floors + stairways and beautifully wood carved ceilings with the original light fixtures.  Plus, it’s always cool to be able to stand on the stage you will soon be watching concerts + musicals on.





After our quick tour, we headed outside to the sights + smells of the Taste of St. Louis.  So many delicious foods to choose from, but I ultimately went for the raw vegan fare.




A raw taco from VegaDeli.  I don’t remember exactly what it was made of – there were cashews or nuts of some sort in it – but it definitely hit the spot.  I loved the guacamole sauce on it – tangy + spicy.  Along with some unpictured raw pumpkin truffles that were also good, but something I could definitely have made at home.


[I was really bad at taking pictures of Matt’s food this weekend.  He got a rib sample from the world famous Pappy’s Smokehouse and a hot dog from Steve’s Hot Dogs on the Hill.  Again, he claimed both to be the best he’s ever eaten.]

Then, we made our way across town to what we thought would be the main event of the day.  My dad gave us his Rams tickets, and since I am a huge Rams fan, I was really excited for the game.  There was definitely nothing to be excited about.  A totally disappointing game that we ended up leaving early from.  Nothing like going 4-0 in the preseason to go 0-3 to start the regular season… ugh.  Disappointing.


We ended our night out at dinner again – this time celebrating my sister-in-law Sara’s [30th] birthday!  PF Chang’s Ma Po Tofu (unpictured) with some dessert shooters to finish off the weekend.


It’s still strange for me to think that pretty soon we will be doing all this with a baby in tow.  It was a wonderful weekend to celebrate just the 2 of us, but we are both extremely excited for the next step in our lives.  Until then, we are soaking up as much time together as we possible can!