hot hike = frozen custard

I know I said last week that I am officially on summer break.  And while that is technically true, I have actually been working this week.  The school I work for offers a free daycare for working parents as part of the tuition.  Nice, huh?  Well, not so nice for the assistant teachers (me) who have to work on those lovely days off and breaks.  I didn’t have to work this week, but they needed a few extra people to help out with some field trips.  So, I agreed to help out.

Tuesday, we went to a nice park; Wednesday, the kids got to enjoy a few hours of gymnastics + trampolines; Thursday, we had a nice picnic lunch and spent the afternoon at the zoo; and Friday was spent hiking at a state park.  If you live in St. Louis, you know that the high temperature today was 95 degrees with a heat index above 100.


The kids were pretty good for the most part.  Two kids without sneakers, 1 girl in jeans + a long sleeve shirt, and only 1 scraped knee.  Not sure about poison ivy though as we had a few kids venture off the trail into the weeds + poison ivy.

And I survived!  I was a little worried with the heat index, but we started hiking at 10:45 AM and the trail was nice and shaded.  I of course carried a water with me also as I can’t seem to be too far away from water (or food) these days.

Although I am wiped out, nothing sounds better after a hot day hiking than some delicious frozen custard!  We haven’t been to Silky’s yet this season, so I decided it was time.


Silky’s has my absolute favorite concrete EVER – the Elvis Pretzley.  How can you possibly go wrong with pretzels, caramel, and hard shell chocolate?!  Um, you can’t.  But, I have this thing that I have to try new things when we go out for custard, so I decided to go for their seasonal – the Nutty Monkey.


Chocolate custard, bananas, peanut butter, and chopped nuts.  Of course, I hate nuts on my custard, so I asked for them to be left off.  Big mistake.  I don’t really think the nuts would’ve made it better per se, but it needed some sort of crunch.  I LOVE crunch and this was so incredibly rich without that crunch it made it hard to eat.  It wasn’t bad at all – I mean chocolate + peanut butter are a match made in heaven, but after stealing a piece of pretzel off Matt’s Elvis, I knew that’s what my concrete needed.


And yes, Matt got the Elvis because it seriously is the best.dessert.ever.  I wish I would’ve thought of it myself.  When we worked at Fritz’s, we wanted them to get pretzels and make the same concrete and call it the Cindy Pretzler (Cindy Preszler is a local meteorologist).  Well, they have pretzels now but no Cindy Pretzler.  I’ll just have to make it myself.  Humph.


My feet are up on the couch now so I am well rested for some big plans tomorrow.  Big plans which will involve a very special guest post on Monday.  Just a little tease to get you through the weekend.  Have a wonderful weekend!