friday night out

Lately, I’ve been getting some slack about being a boring married couple who falls asleep on a Saturday night at 9 PM.  Although this is partially true, I was a bit offended.  It’s not that I don’t like going out… but after working with kids all week long, the weekend is kind of our time to just breathe + relax.

So, I was on a mission to prove them wrong.  We decided to have a semi-date night this past Friday.  No dinner + a movie was involved, but at least we were out of the house, right?

We started out at the Soulard Art Market for their All Media Gallery opening.  Our friend Matt is an up-and-coming photographer who was displaying some of his pieces at the gallery.  His photography is pretty awesome + unique, if you ask me.  Plus, I love going to galleries with the Hubs since he is an artist and has a great eye for amazing art + what is um, not so amazing.  But, again, Matt’s work is excellent!


[And it’s always nice to drink some free Schlafly beer while we’re out!]

Since we were out already, we figured it was a great time to hit up some frozen custard.  We drove past St. Louis Frozen Custard Factory after our trip to Dewey’s a few weeks ago and ever since, I have been wanting to try it out.



The desserts were all named different “tropical” names and, luckily, had descriptions of each dessert, which is always helpful going to a “new” place.  Of course, it didn’t take me long to decide on the pumpkin pie concrete!


The Factory’s pumpkin concrete is similar to Fritz’s in that they mix pumpkin pie mix with pie crust pieces.  I am not a huge fan of pie crust,  but the Factory’s was more of a graham cracker crust, which sweetened things up a bit.


The Hubs went for the Steel Drum-stix sundae [cute, right?] with pecans + waffle cone pieces + chocolate hard shell.


The vanilla custard I tasted from the Hubs sundae wasn’t anything too memorable.  It wasn’t bad, but we’ve definitely had better before.  Smooth, but not nearly as rich or creamy as some other places we’ve tried.

After we had our fill of custard, we headed toward home. 

I fell asleep in the car.

It was 9 PM.        
