first easter

This weekend we celebrated MacKenna’s first Easter.  It was a weekend full of delicious food (more on the food on WIAW) and wonderful family.  We actually extended our Easter celebrations into 2 days – Saturday evening with my extended family and Sunday with Matt’s family. 

(In a semi-related note, we just found out that Matt’s dad is cancer free!  He was diagnosed with colorectal cancer this past summer and has gone through lots of chemo and multiple surgeries since.  However, he is now cancer free, although he does have a few more rounds of chemo and another surgery in his future, but we are so overjoyed with the news!)

While we celebrate Easter as a Christian holiday, reflecting on the ultimate sacrifice Jesus made for us, the Easter Bunny did make a stop over at our house.  M got a few books (from the dollar bin at Target) and a new teething toy (just in time – those toothies are going to be popping out soon).  The Easter Bunny was also very generous and made stops at both Grandma + Grandpa Van Horn’s and GiGi and PawPaw’s houses.  We have lots of new outfits to wear and toys to play with!




PawPaw’s nose doesn’t count as a new toy…

MacKenna was dressed in her (Easter) Sunday best for church – a white sleeveless dress (to show off those chunky arms and legs) with matching hat + socks from Gymboree.  I definitely think she was the cutest baby at church yesterday.  ;)




M was the hit of the weekend.  She enjoyed every second with her aunties + uncles, cousins, and grandparents.  She was the happiest we had seen her in weeks and have concluded that she is finally over her little sickness she’s been dealing with.  It was great to see her smiling and laughing and loving all the attention she was getting.





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While I don’t want to wish away these precious “firsts” in her life, I can’t wait until next Easter when she can hunt for Easter eggs and indulge in some big girl food!  It will be fun to start some new family traditions with her.


What did you do to celebrate Easter (if you did celebrate Easter)?