While having babies definitely helped me break free of my all-or-nothing mindset, throw away my scale, and start eating intuitively, I soon came faced with another problem…

I was in a massive running plateau.

After I had my second baby in December 2014, I started running again about 4 weeks later.  But, running was a huge struggle.  For the first YEAR postpartum, running was something I needed due to postpartum depression, but it was also one of my biggest struggles.  What used to be an easy 8-minute-mile run, started to become my hard pace.  I was desperate to get back into racing + PR mode, but I just couldn’t seem to get there.I spent a full year stuck in a plateau.  I saw my speeds get better but I was riddled with running injuries (including but not limited to hip issues + a plantar fascia tear).  As soon as I started running normally again, I would seem to have a set back.  Two strides forward, one step back.I finally decided I had had enough of being stuck.  I knew I needed a change so I completely changed the way I trained.  I added in another day of strength training, upping my HIIT workouts to 4 per week.  I added in some higher intensity workouts to my training with lower volume to boost my speed.  And I completely revamped my nutrition strategy.  I had been seeing a ton of fitness influencers who I followed on Facebook + Instagram talking about carb cycling + intermittent fasting.  I saw their transformations and I wanted to see what that way of eating could do for me + my running + fitness.I started doing research - reading books on intermittent fasting, carb cycling, and eventually joined Coach Jasmin’s carb cycling + intermittent fasting program to learn as much as I could to start incorporating it into my diet.And guess what happened?  I busted through my plateau!  Running was no longer a struggle and times started coming easier to me.  And I was able to set a brand spanking new half marathon PR of 1:34:58, taking almost 3 full minutes off my time I had ran just 6 months prior!


I am hosting a FREE carb cycling + intermittent 3-Day Jumpstart to help you learn how to incorporate these same strategies into your running that has helped me start running FASTER than ever - right here in your email!  For the next 3 days, I will sending you exactly what you need to start incorporating carb cycling + intermittent fasting into you running!  You will receive 3 days of running/strength workouts and my carb cycling + intermittent fasting strategies to incorporate into your running!  And to get you started, I'm sending you my 3-day Jumpstart Guide with my "Fast" Foods List, as well as 3 days worth of workouts to get you running + eating like an Elite runner!  Sign-up below to join in on the fun!


I cannot WAIT to teach you the nutrition strategy that helped me take my running to the next level!