easter weekend
Oh man, sorry I missed you guys on Monday. We had a crazy busy but extremely fun weekend! I feel like every weekend has been crazy busy lately - we're just so overwhelmed with house and family stuff, and with Matt coaching, the weekends seem to fly by.This weekend was definitely no different. Matt and I were both off on Friday, so I made an appointment to go pick out the light fixtures for our new house. This was really the only thing that I had absolutely no clue what I wanted. We only had an allowance of $500, so we knew we couldn't get much. We ended up picking out lights for our basement stairs (it's an open staircase into the basement) and the foyer, and then decided to ask what we needed to get there. Apparently, there are 4 sets of lights that are "mandatory" for our house to pass inspection. So, after picking out those 4, the other 2, and then capping off and buying the lightbulbs for the other 15 (!) lights, we were about $200 over our budget. Grrrr. Thankfully, I've saved money in other places that it didn't really hurt our mortgage payment.The rest of the day was absolutely beautiful, so after Kenna took a nap and a quick trip to the grocery store, we spent most of the evening playing outside. My parents have a nice big backyard and a rear-entrance driveway, so they have plenty of space for us to play with chalk, balls, and all of Kenna's vehicles. She is seriously so much fun and absolutely LOVES going outside! We have to bribe her to get her to come in! It's going to be a great summer!Saturday morning, I woke Kenna up early so that we could head to my favorite trail for a long stroller run. I am having so much running with her, mostly because she has been doing so great on our long runs! She ate and played on her iPhone for about the first 3 miles, and then spent the rest of the time just chilling and enjoying the beautiful morning. I felt great on the run again and I have a feeling we will be continuing these every weekend for awhile.
After the run, I went and grabbed a quick coffee at a new-to-me drive thru (coconut caramel - sooooo delicious) and headed over to my in-laws for an Easter egg hunt! Their church hosts one every year, and since it's a small congregation, we don't have to fight off a billion other kiddos for eggs. She ate half a donut for fuel for her hunt (I ate the other half, of course) and then it was on...
She's such a little stinker and took the easy way out and just sat down in a spot full of eggs and just put them in her basket! Smart little cookie! She eventually got up and started actually hunting, but she was more excited just to open them to see what was inside. My 2 year old is now obsessed with candy. And eggs.
It was another gorgeous day, so again, Kenna and I got some chores done around the house before spending the rest of the afternoon and evening playing outside. I'm having a little too much fun with the chalk. I seriously lack artistic skills. This is about as good as it gets...
Easter Sunday with a two year old is so much fun! We started our morning with MacKenna's first "Easter bunny" egg hunt at our temporary home. She was more interested in her toys from the Easter bunny, but we eventually pulled her away from the toys to actually hunt the eggs. She found most of them on her own - we only had to help her a little bit to find some of the eggs. Again, she was more excited with the M&Ms, jelly beans, and money she found inside the eggs.
This year, we were able to go to church with my entire family, since my brother and sister-in-law are now members of our church. It was so nice to have all 8 of us together for my favorite church service. Kenna loved watching her Uncle Brian play the bells and cymbal with the orchestra. I swear, this child will be musical, with how excited she gets about instruments and singing!
We spent the rest of the day with Matt's family and my extended family, including 2 more egg hunts for the Kenna girl. She made out pretty well at my family's, scoring $10 for
mom and dad herself! Plus, we now have enough candy to feed an extended army for about a year. Thank goodness I can eat chocolate again!I hope your weekend was just as crazy, busy, and enjoyable as ours was! It has already been another crazy and busy week! And since I gypped you out of a post on Monday, you can get another dose of me over at ScoreNation, where I am currently featured! I love being able to continue to share my healthy lifestyle and running with others and serve as an inspiration since I am inspired by so many other runners!