Well, I guess I'm not going to be running a sub-20 5K this year.  I really had my hopes pretty high that it was going to happen, but it just wasn't in the cards for me in 2016.  Yes, I know I could run another race before the end of the year, but I already have 2 more scheduled this month (this coming Saturday and New Year's Eve) and both are not 5Ks.  But, I'll talk more about the race I will probably NEVER do again later this week...So, I'm going in to this week a little frustrated and disappointed, but ready to put everything I have in to my training for the rest of the year.  I know that I've had an AWESOME racing year - I've raced more than I ever have and was able to set a PR I thought I'd never run, so I definitely cannot be disappointed.  And I have a long racing career in front of me and am ready to focus on shorter distances and speed next year!I'm also SUPER pumped because I am finally feeling 100% again!  Thank goodness!  I go to the ENT on Thursday anyway, so I was all prepared to ask for an antibiotic, but thankfully, my sinus infection cleared up on it's own this weekend and I felt great going in to my race on Sunday.  It just definitely wasn't my day, and I pretty much knew that VERY early on.  So, I'm looking forward to this coming week of training, hoping I can get some decent runs outside in the cold, although - I won't lie - the cold has been a major issue for me lately.  Mostly just because I HATE running in anything but shorts!  So, there have been days I am opting for the treadmill instead of running outside and freezing my legs off.  While I still hate the treadmill, sometimes it really is the better option - especially when it comes to speed workouts!Monday:  4 rounds:Push-Ups 10xSquats 15xSwings 20xSit-ups 25xTuesday:  8 x 400 w/ 200 recoveries (3.93 miles @ 7:37/mile)Wednesday:  Run Bias HIIT (1.82 miles)Thursday:  5 x 1000 w/ 2:15 rest on the treadmill (3.84 miles @ 7:39/mile)Friday:  TabataSumo-High PullInverted RowsBurpeesSquatsSaturday:  10K @ 90% 5K pace (6.2 miles @ 7:48/mile)Sunday:  Hot Chocolate 5K (3.14 miles @ 6:29/mile) + 1 mile warm-up/3 mile cool downWeekly Total Miles:  22.93 milesDecember Miles:  35.98 milesYear-to-Date:  1,133.45 miles


What is your running goal for 2017?  Are you looking to get faster?  Stronger?  Lose 10 pounds?  Run your first or 100th race?  Set a new PR?Whatever your goal is for 2017, one of the biggest things people struggle with regarding their New Year Resolution is staying ACCOUNTABLE and being CONSISTENT in order to achieve their goal for the new year.  These are absolutely the two things you need in order to make progress toward your goal and eventually achieve it.  Like my high school choir teacher always said, “Perfect practice makes perfect.”  If you are not following through on your training goals, how can you possibly expect to achieve them?Let me help you get your New Year goals started on the right (running) foot with my FREE 5-day HIIT the New Year Running Bootcamp!  In this bootcamp, you will:

  • Receive daily strength workouts that you can do from home in less than 20-minutes a day
  • Receive a guided running program to follow to get your New Year running goal started on the right foot and keep you accountable
  • Access to a community of runners who will motivate, encourage, and inspire you to keep working toward you 2017 running goal
  • And so much more!

This program is what I put all my VIP runners through and they are seeing HUGE wins in their training:  setting new PRs, seeing changes in their bodies, and feeling stronger + healthier than ever.  And now, I want to help YOU achieve your running goal this year!  This FREE 5-day bootcamp will help you get stronger + FASTER and put you in the perfect position to start your training in the new year off on the right foot!Your start to your BEST year of running yet begins January 2nd!  Don’t miss out!  Sign-up today! 
