day off

I loved being about to spend the day off with MacKenna yesterday.  I think I needed it for my sanity.  I’ve been missing her like crazy at work, even though I feel like nothing has changed once I leave the house in the morning.  I’m still going to the same job and doing the same things I did before, but now I have pictures of my sweet baby girl on my desk and another person on my mind all day.

I had my breakfast + lunch all packed and ready to go before I got the call from my babysitter that her daughter-in-law was in labor.  So, I had all new eats to partake in and photograph for WIAW.

Pre-Workout Snack

I still went to the gym in the morning before M woke up for my CrossFit workout.  (She’s been sleeping through the night the last few night!  Let’s hope that sticks!)  A honey peanut Balance Bar.  I’m hoping to make my own soon.


I follow the Workout of the Day (WOD) on their website but a few days behind.  Tuesday’s workout (for me) was:

For time:
Squats 50x
Inverted Rows 25x
Squats 40x
Inverted Rows 20x
Squats 30x
Inverted Rows 15x
Squats 20x
Inverted Rows 10x
Squats 10x
Inverted Rows 5x

The original WOD called for weighted squats and pullups, so I obviously modified mine a bit.  I did half of each set of squats with a 45 pound barbell and the other half with just body weight.  I’m definitely feeling it today!

After M woke up and was ready for a nap, I strapped her into the jogging stoller for our run that I mentioned yesterday.  3 miles in 29:27 – slow but a good run, nonetheless.


I’ve had 2 peanut butter jars chilling in the fridge for months now, so I took advantage of not having to eat in my car and made some quick overnight oats.


  • 1/3 cup oatmeal
  • 1/3 cup plain yogurt
  • 2/3 cup vanilla soymilk
  • 1/2 tablespoon chia seed
  • 1/2 banana
  • 2/3 cup frozen blueberries (hence the purple color)
  • Toppings:  honey roasted peanuts + Galaxy granola
  • Scrapings of peanut butter in the jar – YUM!

I let them chill in the fridge for about 2 hours and it was perfect!  I typically don’t like yogurt in my OO’s, but this was really good!



I’ve had visions of this for a week now.  English muffin + faux tuna salad (chickpeas, mayo, and dill pickles) + melted cheddar eaten open face.  With an apple on the side.

And apparently my visions disappeared… I took pictures of this but the disappeared off my SD card!  I promise, it was delicious!


I had planned on making scones 2 weeks ago and finally had a chance to make them today!  These cinnamon chip scones were delicious, but I didn’t bake them long enough (they were getting dark on the top so I thought they were done, whoops) so they are pretty doughy.  But, I like dough, so I will still eat these!


I had a half of one along with some blood orange Chobani (YUM!), honey roasted peanuts, and a few chocolate blasted Goldfish crackers.



Throw-in-a-(crock)pot chili cooked all day long and was wonderful on an unseasonable warm but still chilly January day.  With tortilla chips on top – my new favorite way to eat chili.  (Other ways include with a PB sandwich, cornbread, or saltine crackers.)


My absolute favorite snack mix:  Cinnamon Toast Crunch, s’mores Goldfish, peanut butter + plain M&M’s, and honey roasted peanuts.  (Can you tell I have an obsession with honey roasted peanuts right now?)  So easy and convenient and believe it or not, it tastes really good with milk.


Oh, and an animal cracker with some funfetti dip – my new pinterest find.  SO GOOD!


What food (or other thing) are you obsessed with right now?     
