christmas break
Well, hello there! How can two weeks off go by so fast? Our Christmas break was filled with lots of food, family, and fun. I've enjoyed spending 16 days with my kiddos and I'm not ready to go back to work again. It's like returning from maternity leave all over again. I just really don't want to have to leave my kids again. These two weeks were absolutely glorious...We went to Wild Lights at the St. Louis Zoo for Miles' birthday last week. Of course, he didn't really enjoy it as much as MacKenna did, but it was really fun. The sea lions were our favorite - they were playing with us through the window.Christmas was a blast and went by way to quickly. MacKenna and Miles made out well with gifts - so much so that I have had to hide some in the basement to bring up at a different time. We've had fun playing princess with MacKenna and cars with Miles.
Typically, we leave for Branson the day after Christmas to celebrate Matt's birthday, but the entire state of Missouri ended up flooded (in case you hadn't heard). The majority of it was south of where we live, but we had a levee break by our house that flooded all of my favorite running trails. They are clear now, but the park by our house is still closed. Unfortunately, the rest of the state did not make out so well and many people lost houses due to the flood waters, including one of Matt's students. What an awful way to spend the holidays...
The rest of break was spent playing with the kids, spending entirely too much money at IKEA, organizing the house, and relaxing as much as possible. When I wasn't organizing my house like crazy, Matt and I were watching episodes of 30 Rock on the couch.I seriously loved every second of break. Now it's time to get back to reality. No more skipping lunch and eating Christmas cookies anytime I want. No more sitting on the couch for hours on end and doing nothing. Time to get serious about my eating habits (I'll miss you Christmas cookies) and start some seriously training for races again! I think I'm ready, but all I can think about is how many more days until it's summer break?
What's the best thing you did over Christmas? Did you have any time off?