body after bump #2: 3 months

I'll admit, I'm trying very hard to be patient with the numbers I'm seeing.  I have to keep telling myself that it will take awhile, but the good news is, I am seeing progress and I can't complain about that!Screen Shot 2015-03-26 at 9.35.24 PMBody Bump 2 - 3 monthsBody Bump 2 - 3 months 2I'm pretty happy with the numbers so far this month.  I'm sure a lot has to do with the fact that I gave up sweets for Lent and haven't been eating anything after dinner.  And I've definitely increased my workouts a lot this past month.WorkoutsLike I said, I really ramped it up a lot this past month.  I'm up to running 5 miles as my long run and I'm running 5-6 days each week.  I've also been attempting to do CrossFit 4-5 times a week, but I'm still trying to figure out exactly WHAT my body can do and how much I can push it.  Apparently, not too much when it comes to adding weights as I recently figured out.  I did back squats the other day - 3 sets of 10 at 75 pounds - and I totally messed up my back and leg.  I've done 2 runs pushing through the pain, only to find that I can't walk after I'm done.  I've gone to my chiropractor (and will be going back today) so I'm hoping I can take care of it today.  Let's just say, that race that I was planning on doing tomorrow most likely isn't going to happen.  Ugh.NutritionSo, giving up sweets for Lent has definitely helped me get my sugar intake under control as well as help me eat a lot more intuitively.  There are definitely times when I have really craved chocolate and there have also been times when I've been absolutely starving after dinner.  I'm definitely not depriving myself - I've been eating 2 snacks in the afternoon and if I'm still hungry, I will have something to drink (coffee, juice, cappuccino, wine, beer) in the evening.  I have figured out that I am a stress eater, so I will really need to start watching that a little bit more too.  But, overall, I feel like I am eating better now and my milk supply is still doing really well.  I had a drop off the second week I went back to work, but this week has been awesome!Mental HealthThis is definitely where I've been struggling lately.  The way I felt on maternity leave has gotten much better since I went back to work.  But going back has been rough on me, especially this week since my next break won't be until summer.  I have been missing my kiddos a lot!  And stress at work certainly hasn't helped.  But, I know I will get through it, it's just going to be rough for a little while.  Thank goodness I am a teacher and have summer off!