back from a much needed break

Did you miss me?  Or did you even realize I was gone?  Matt, MacKenna, and I spent last week down in Branson, MO (aka Matt’s Happy Place) with my in-laws.  It was a nice break from reality and a much needed vacation away from home.  Plus, it was our first time really travelling with MacKenna for an extended period of time, so I’m glad to have that under our belts now.  She was perfect (as usual) and we had a wonderful time!

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While Branson isn’t the relaxing beach vacation my heart yearns for every summer, we enjoyed not having to worry about life at home and the day-to-day grind (yes, I know, we’re teachers, but life is still stressful in the summer).  MacKenna + I went running every morning while we were down there, taking in the beautiful sunrise over Table Rock Lake and even running into some deer (not literally).

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We did some shopping, although we didn’t come home with anything more than a few extra pounds, and went to the Titanic Museum, which Matt liked but I didn’t think it was worth the hefty $25 per person price to get in.  (Thank goodness Mac was free – and was an angel!)  No pictures of either of those because (1) shopping isn’t exactly the most exciting thing to photograph and (2) no pictures allowed in the museum due to copyrighted artifacts.  Just picture a big boat… ;)



We went swimming every afternoon until MacKenna was tired and then spent some time in the AC while she napped.


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And of course, no Branson trip is complete without a few hours walking around Silver Dollar City.  Now that MacKenna is a little older, can sit up on her own, and pretty much is aware of her surroundings, we took her to play for a little while.  Daddy took her up in the tree houses and through Grandfather’s Mansion…





And Mama took her for her first ride on the carousel.  It was like playing peek-a-boo for her!  She got so excited every time we came around to Daddy + Grandma.  I think we will be spending a lot of time on the carousel for the next 10 years…


I am in much brighter spirits now and my stress is melted away.  I love being able to spend time with family, especially at a place a picture us living once we retire (you know, in like 30 some odd years).  I would absolutely love to live in some of those houses on the lake.  Just beautiful.

And of course, like I said, we came back with some extra pounds packed on, so you know good food was consumed (including Andy’s Frozen Custard!).  But, you will just have to wait until tomorrow to hear all about that!

Where do you go or what do you do to de-stress?