baby bump: week 32
I can’t believe in just 8 short weeks there will be a baby in my house! And luckily, I made a little progress on the nursery this week.I found this cute little white table at Target in their dorm room stuff - it was cheap and a perfect size for anlittle lamp (flea market find!) and eventually all my nursing stuff. Hopefully there will be a rocker to the left of it – I just need to decide exactly what I want there.And did you spy something else on the floor?
Those are the curtains I MADE for her window. (Thank you Young House Love!) Her bedding is brown with pink, green, and blue polka dots, so I knew I wanted pink but thought it would be overkill to do more polka dots. Instead, I decided to go with this pretty damask pattern from Joann. When I first brought it home, I freaked out a little bit thinking it wasn’t going to match the pink in the sheets enough, but the more I looked at them together, the more I fell in love with it! I am SO excited to put these up – I just need to find some nice shower hooks that will hold them up on the curtain rod without putting holes into my fabric.We also have our first baby shower this weekend (if you don’t count the wonderful one with my co-workers back in April)! I am so excited for all our upcoming showers! I love getting to see + talk to people I don’t get to very regularly, and of course, start filling her room up with stuff! You will get a full recap next week, promise!Matt + I had to miss our childbirth class Tuesday night because Matt had Open House at school, so we went to the Wednesday night class instead. It’s amazing how much a different instructor can make in a class. The instructor we had Wednesday night forced us to get involved in the class. I actually felt more prepared and comfortable practicing my contractions last night than I did the past 2 weeks. I am also starting to get comfortable with the Bradley method and am getting more and more confident in my ability to go through a natural childbirth.After class, we of course had to go out and get some ice cream. Dairy Queen was calling our name, so we swung by on our way home. The Triple Chocoholic was the perfect ending to my long day of shopping with my mom (!) and practicing our labor techniques in our childbirth class. (Matt got the Chocolate Xtreme… mine was better!)
And with all the ice cream + frozen custard I have been eating lately, I can definitely tell my little girl is growing by the size of my bump! She is also loving sitting up in my ribs and kicking me like crazy up there. It’s not exactly the most comfortable thing in the world, especially this weekend where I spent the majority of it on my feet and in a car driving back and forth to Illinois. My obliques and back have definitely been sore this week. I don’t think going back to work next week is going to be a pleasant experience since I spend the majority of it on my feet.
But, regardless of being uncomfortable, I still love my growing belly and all the kicks she gives me – even if they are in my ribs! I just can’t wait to be holding her! Only 8 more weeks and I’ll be able to!