baby bump: week 25

Another week down, another week closer to Baby Bug making her grand appearance!

In all honesty, not much changes from week to week now.  Being in my second trimester, everything is pretty easy peasy.  I’m not nauseous at all, I don’t really have any cravings (thank goodness), and I’m enjoying my renewed energy.  But, I know many of you enjoy my baby bump updates, so I won’t deny you seeing my bump get bigger from week to week.  Plus, I love having my journey documented.  One day, I will get a slide show going of all my bump pictures so you can see how I’ve grown!

I actually have reached the point where I don’t just look fat in my workout clothes!  I mean, obviously in the pictures you guys see, I look pregnant.  But, first thing in the morning, when I go to the gym, my bladder + belly are both empty and since I am still wearing my pre-preggo running shorts, my belly looks more like a muffin top than an actual pregnant belly.  But, I did have one of the guys I frequently talk to at the gym comment on the fact that I’m looking “a little different,” commenting on my baby bump.  And another guy at the gym this week was talking to Matt and commented about our soon-to-be baby.  Definitely a milestone for me!


Yup, I’d say my belly is definitely growing, and I love it!  15 more (short) weeks!

**By the way, thanks for all the comments (and Facebook comments) on our ear piercing debate.  Love hearing everyone’s opinions on it!**
