it's baby day!
It's finally here! It's Baby Day! As this is set to post, Matt and I will be in the car, on our way to the hospital! I'm incredibly nervous, of course, not just because of the surgery, but just having another baby in general. I turned to Matt earlier this week and said, "Are we sure that we want to do this?" Seriously. Two kids is freaking me out! I guess it's too late to turn back now, right?!BumpI officially gained 29 pounds during my pregnancy. With MacKenna, I gained 30 and lost 17 by the time I got home from the hospital. While I definitely gained differently with Moose, I still don't expect to be back to my pre-pregnancy size any time soon. I'll get there eventually, but no need to be in a hurry. It took 39 weeks to gain 29 pounds, so I expect at least 39 weeks to get it all off.SymptomsI've never once had to call the doctor about something throughout this pregnancy or I think even with MacKenna. Until this week. On Wednesday, after a workout with one of my friends, I went to pick up MacKenna at the babysitter's and she noticed my ankle was really swollen. I've also NEVER had swelling in either pregnancy anywhere on my body. I wasn't too worried, especially since I know my blood pressure is still pretty low (104/72), so I knew preeclampsia wasn't likely. But, after some research on swelling in one leg only (it was only on my left side), I started to get a little worried since it could be the sign of a blood clot.
I went to bed like normal and woke up the next day without any swelling. By mid-afternoon, it was completely swollen again. Which meant I probably needed to call the doctor, just in case. Of course, I called after hours and had to talk to the on-call doctor, which, awkwardly enough, was my uncle. (As my brother pointed out, it's not awkward until he delivers your baby, which he did for my brother and sis-in-law as he was the on-call doctor last year when they had my nephew.) He told me he didn't think it was a blood clot, but just to be on the safe side, to call and change my appointment to the morning at the hospital (instead of the office that is close to home/work) so they could do a doppler scan on my leg.So, I ended up going on maternity leave a few hours early thanks to the change in my appointment. Two and a half hours later and it was determined there was no blood clot - thank goodness! I was dreading having to change my C-section date. And later that afternoon, I definitely could feel him pushing a LOT on that side of my leg, to the point where I was wincing in pain. But, no swelling the past 2 days, so that's good news!Heart burn has been bad this week, but the good news is that I have zero stretch marks and I'm still wearing my rings (though I'm thinking about taking them off tomorrow since I know the IV will make me swell up). I'm definitely happy with how this pregnancy has gone as far as symptoms. I felt sick a few nights ago, but have felt pretty great since the first trimester.WorkoutsEven with unexplained swelling, I still had a decent week in workouts. I lacked a lot on strength training, but I just tried to think of it more as a "taper" week before a big race. I mean, it's definitely not, but I knew my body could use a little extra rest this week going in to major surgery and learning to take care of a newborn again.Monday: 2 miles + CrossFit w/ 800m runTuesday: 2 treadmill milesWednesday: 4.3 treadmill miles (about 2 running, the rest walking)Thursday: rest dayFriday: 3 treadmill milesSaturday: 3 treadmill milesSunday: rest dayTotal: 14.8 miles
Baby StuffSo, am I ready for this? I honestly have no clue! I have so many mixed feelings going on in my head right now. I'm nervous about surgery. I'm nervous about his delivery. I'm nervous about breastfeeding. I'm nervous about MacKenna meeting him. I'm nervous about recovery.But, there are so many wonderful things to look forward to. I cannot WAIT to share his name (mostly because I'm sick of people trying to guess - only 2 people have actually guessed it and only 1 person, besides me + Matt, know what it is)! I can't wait to see what he looks like - will he have blonde hair like his sister or dark hair? Will he look anything like MacKenna? And most of all, I can't wait for all 3 of us to meet him - especially MacKenna. We have been building her up to meeting him and I think, I *think*, she finally is starting to understand it. We've talked about everything she is going to teach him, how she'll get to hold his hand in the car sitting next to him, and that they are going to be best friends.I sobbed after my parents picked MacKenna up to spend the night at their house last night. It's so crazy to think that there will be another child who is going to steal our hearts, just like she did.