baby bump #2: 35 weeks
4 weeks and less than a month away from Baby #2's arrival! Having the date set already has made me relax a little bit more about getting everything done. I know that just because we have a C-section scheduled doesn't mean that he can't come early, but I at least feel like I have 28 days to get everything squared away at least. And honestly, I'm not worried about him coming early at all. MacKenna was late (and probably would've stayed in there another week if we would've let her) and with how easy these pregnancy has been, I'm pretty sure he's sitting tight for awhile longer.BumpWell, I'm getting comments from "Your belly looks bigger" and "Does that still fit you?", to the ones I actually enjoy hearing, like "You are every pregnant woman's dream." Yeah, that one doesn't get old. But, regardless of what I'm hearing on an almost daily basis lately, I'm still trying to enjoy this pregnancy as much as possible. It's getting more and more scary to think that I might only have 4 weeks left EVER of being pregnant. While we still haven't decided on if this is the last baby for us, I have to really start thinking about it that way. It makes me sad, but I know that we have truly been blessed with 2 wonderful pregnancies.SymptomsI am uncomfortable and I am exhausted. Yes, despite having a wonderful pregnancy, I have finally reached the point of "I'm ready to be done". This week has been rough. The only time I am actually comfortable is first thing in the morning, and even yesterday morning, I woke up with my whole body aching. My ribs hurt, especially after meals, and I seriously cannot keep my eyes open past 8 PM. I've been sleeping in as late as possible this week, but I still am exhausted by the time I get home. I really don't feel like I'm over extending myself or overdoing it on my workouts or otherwise, but exhaustion is real. Maybe it's just my body preparing me for when he comes, but I'm ready to be not so tired all the time. Ha... I have probably another year before that happens, right?!WorkoutsSo, no more PiYo for awhile for me. Don't get me wrong - I LOVE it, but the only time I can do PiYo is if I wake up early, and like I said above, that just ain't happening right now. Instead, I'm doing WODs from CrossFit Mom. They're short and modified specifically for pregnant women. It works for now, but I'm looking forward to doing a PiYo and T25 hybrid program once I'm cleared to workout again in January or February. I'll talk more about my Body After Bump plan soon. I still need to figure it out though.I've also cut back on my mileage. I'm still running 5-6 days each week, but only 2 to 3 miles at a time. Anything over 3 miles and I'm in pain. Plus, I've slowed down a lot lately, and with the cold weather, I can't even think about going more than 30 minutes on the treadmill right now.Monday: 2 mile treadmill run + WOD Tuesday: 3 mile treadmill run + WOD Wednesday: 2 mile easy run + WOD Thursday: 2 mile treadmill run + WOD w/ 4x400 (3 miles total) Friday: 2 mile easy run Saturday: 3 mile easy run Sunday: rest dayTotal: 15 miles
Baby StuffAlright, with a month left, I'm trying to get myself organized as to what we absolutely HAVE to get done before Moose gets here. Thankfully, I only have to work today and tomorrow and then have the rest of the week off, but we will still be pretty busy. I'm still going to try to get as much stuff done as I possibly can this week and the next few weekends. So, here's the BIG TO-DO LIST before baby arrives...
- Clean out Moose's room (it became a dumping ground for stuff when we moved in)
- Organize and hang clothes, buy hangers
- Paint and decorate nursery (painting is happening December 6th!)
- Put together crib
- Buy sheets, curtains, changing pad covers, book shelf
- Buy disposable newborn diapers
- New cloth diapers or "seconds"
- Install carseat in both cars
- Pack hospital back for both Moose and myself
- Coming home/First Christmas outfit for Moose
- Buy a breast pump - or get one through insurance
Yeah, quite a bit we need to get done in the next few weeks. Plus, there are plenty of other things we still need to get done around the house too. Like getting the garage door opener installed so I no longer have to walk outside in the cold, rain, or snow to get to my car; and painting a decorating Kenna's room, as well as figuring out where the heck the hardware for her bookshelf went so I don't have to go buy a new one.Hopefully I can figure out a way to stay awake after we put Kenna to bed so that I can actually get some of this stuff done...