baby bump #2: 14 weeks

Since haven't had a chance to yet, I want to thank you ALL for all the wonderful comments on here, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter (and those of you I've emailed, messaged, and texted) regarding not only our pregnancy announcement, but also about the baby we lost.  I was really debating whether or not to post about our twin (I had written the majority of that post the day after we found out) because I really wrote it for me to get everything out and was nervous about the responses I would get (some people have definitely said the wrong thing to me about it so far), but I have to admit, I'm feeling much more open about talking about it now.  So, thank you for that!Like I said, I am definitely planning on still doing weekly posts like I did with my pregnancy with MacKenna - maybe more for me than for you, but after reading my 14 week post from last time, I am really looking forward to comparing the differences between this pregnancy and my first.BumpPregnancy - 14 weeks

MacKenna on the left + Baby #2 on the right.  A little bigger - and a few more years on my face... At least I think my boobs are still about the same size as last time, they feel GIANT and I HATE it.

Holy bump... I keep having to tell myself not to freak out that I am already as big as I am.  I seriously think I wasn't this big until I was at least 20 weeks with MacKenna.  So, as much as I'm trying to hope and pray that I'm not going to be uncomfortably huge by 40 (or more) weeks, I'm actually really loving my bump!  I pat it and rub it constantly, and now that I'm in maternity clothes pretty much full time, the bump is definitely noticeable (I used the belly band for awhile, but I've gotten to the point where I just can't do that anymore).  Of course, no comments from anyone yet, but I know it'll happen shortly.I'm also trying something a little different this time around and I'm NOT tracking my weight outside of the doctor's office.  It's more because I don't have an accessible scale in the morning.  But, from 8 weeks to 12 weeks, I didn't gain any weight.  Overall, I've probably gained between 4-6 pounds, which I'm perfectly happy with.SymptomsI'm feeling amazingly better than I did just 2 weeks ago.  I'm still constantly exhausted, but with it being summertime, I'm not passing out as soon as I put MacKenna down for the night.  I've also started to get mid-morning/afternoon headaches daily, which is usually related to hydration, so I'm trying my best to always have water next to me at all times.As far as cravings, it's still refreshing foods - lately, home grown tomatoes (which we're still about a month away from actually having any) with salt and cottage cheese.  Sometimes together, sometimes separate.  I've also really been wanting eggs, thanks to our California trip (that I will finally share later this week) and the Embassy Suites fresh made omlettes.  I would LOVE a poached egg (my parents own an egg poacher) so I might just have to go out and buy some pre-pasteurized eggs, just to be on the safe side.IMG_6663

I NEEDED an omlette on Sunday, and a bagel, because of course my craving for carbs hasn't gone away.

WorkoutsI had a little bit of a break last week due to our trip and a questionable neighborhood we were in in Cali, but I came home and kept up with my runs the last 3 days of the week, keeping my rest day on Sunday.  I've also been doing some at-home CrossFit workouts (modifying them to my ability) so that I can at least try to maintain some strength.

Monday:  VacationTuesday:  VacationWednesday:  VacationThursday:  4 mile run + CrossFitFriday:  3 mile run + CrossFitSaturday:  6 mile runTotal miles:  13 miles


Baby StuffSo, even though I've been freaking out slightly about the size of my bump, I am reassured knowing that Baby is actually about the size of my fist now, so yes, I probably should be showing a little bit!  I also think *think* that I felt some baby flutters a few days ago!  Going from being beyond full term with a baby kicking up a storm with MacKenna to a new pregnancy where you don't feel those kicks just seems weird.  I'm dying to start feeling this little one start kicking away!  I need that reassurance that he/she is still, well, kicking in there!And no, we haven't decided to look at the gender yet - we actually think we will wait until our anatomy scan in August to find out.  So far, we're enjoying the suspense!  Crazy to think my due date is now less than 6 months from now.  Woah.IMG_6654