I've been struggling a lot lately with what my purpose is in my life.

Sure, I know that part of my purpose is raising my 2 amazing, beautiful children.

But, I have (and have had) multiple businesses that I run, and I just never really felt like I understood why God called me to create these businesses.

I’ll be honest… I really struggle with hearing God’s voice. I’ve talked about this in the past, but discernment is not an easy thing for me. Of course, reading the Bible more lately has helped a lot, but I still struggle with hearing God and knowing something I am feeling or thinking is actually coming from him.

However, there is one word that keeps coming back to me.

When watching a movie talking about who you identify, this word immediately came to my mind.

When my mentor asked me last week what my purpose was, again, it came back to this word.

That word?


I’ve wanted to write a book since I was 9 years old. I remember sitting on the playground at recess and instead of playing with my friends, I had a sketchbook out and I was writing and illustrating a chapter book.

Yeah, I know… NERD ALERT.

But, I’ve always felt that writing was in me. It’s always something I’ve wanted to do. It’s the reason I started blogging 11 years ago (which just seems insane).

Now, I feel more than ever that my purpose, my calling in life is to WRITE.

Look, I know that I’m not a skilled or professional writer. My background is in health + fitness, NOT journalism. 

But, here’s where I’m really struggling…

I’m being called to WRITE… but, WHY? Why am I being called to write?

Sure, it's something I love to do. To get my words + my thoughts on paper. That feeling of creating art with my writing. I love the feeling of my pencil across a crisp new page in my planner or notebook - it’s just something that I absolutely LOVE to do.

But, loving to write isn’t “purpose.” It isn’t “calling.”

Am I being called to write a book? But, what am I supposed to write that book about? I don't seem to find the words (yet) for what to write about...

Then last week, I had multiple things screaming at me as to why I write. Why being here, on social media, writing this blog, is my "calling" right now.

No, not to sell shampoo.

And not even necessarily to write content for others.

My calling - my purpose - is to write for women like YOU so that you...

1️. know that you're not alone

Far too often I've felt so alone in my thoughts, that I was the only one experiencing the feelings I was going through. If only someone could tell me I wasn't alone, that there was someone else going through what I was going through.

I went through postpartum depression feeling like there was NO ONE to talk to. That I’d be laughed at when I told someone that I was thinking of committing suicide. When in reality, had I known that someone else had gone through what I did, or whose depression manifested as anger as mine did, I would’ve gotten help sooner.

I want to be that person for YOU. I want YOU to know that you’re not alone. That’s why I share my stories. That’s why I think many writers share what they’re going through - to know that you have someone who has gone through it ahead of you and can help YOU get through it.

You’re not alone. And I’m here for you to help you get through it.

2️. get the help you need

Whether that's finding someone to talk to about your depression, helping you find your purpose, finding ways to have more time in your day, or starting a business, I want to be an answer to that need.

One thing we talk about a lot in business is being problem solvers. Google is my best friend because if I ever have a question I need an answer to, Google has it. (It’s not always correct, but it works in a pinch.) The reason I’m in business - whether it’s to help you feel confident with your hair or skin or health, to help you simplify your social media content + business, or to help you get more time in your day by managing your time or quitting your 9-to-5 - is to help solve a problem that YOU have.

For the first time in my life, I’ve never felt more clear on why I write - and I want to help YOU find that clarity as well (because I have a feeling if it’s something I’m struggling with, you probably are too).

Here are 3 journal prompts my mentor gave me that help me get clear on my purpose + calling. Grab a notebook and let’s get this figured out!

  1. What is the one thing you would DO for the rest of your life if you could and money was no issue?

  2. What talents + gifts do you have?

  3. What do you want to accomplish to know you e made a difference during your time on this Earth?

Friend, I'm here for you. You’re not alone and you have a PURPOSE in this world. God didn’t put you here for no reason. Your LIFE matters - and if anyone tells you otherwise, it didn’t come from God.